TMJ (TMD) Therapy Near You

Our bodies are remarkable things because of all the things they help us to do. One particularly essential system is our oral cavity and the joints and muscles that help it function so we can eat our favorite meals, laugh, and talk.

Temporomandibular disorder is a condition that can arise due to chronic teeth grinding or oral trauma. This inhibits your ability to properly open and close your mouth. Fortunately, there are solutions to address and prevent this from occurring, and here at Westbank Dental Care & Implant Center, we provide those very services. For more information, please contact our dentist near you.

TMJ (TMD) Therapy in West Kelowna

What is TMJ/TMD?

TMJ is the abbreviation that’s used to refer to the temporomandibular joint, which attaches your jawbone (lower mandible) to the base of your skull. In relation, TMD stands for temporomandibular disorder and is the condition that impacts this joint and, by extension, one’s mouth and smile.


Common symptoms include discomfort and pain in your jaw, neck, face, and shoulders; headaches; lockjaw, or clicking or popping of your jaw; trouble biting, chewing, and swallowing. In some cases, the reason for TMD is not always clear, but it can occur due to several factors like teeth grinding and clenching (also known as bruxism), stress, and injury.

If you’re dealing with any of these issues, be sure to reach out to a dentist or even a doctor. They’ll invite you to come in for a consultation so they can understand your situation. They will also be able to advise the best treatment plan for you to get your health back to normal.

Remedies for TMD

Depending on your case, there are a few different options that your dentist can recommend to you to help treat the condition, such as:

  • Self-care measures: Measures like applying ice or heat to the affected area, practicing relaxation techniques to reduce stress, and avoiding hard or chewy foods may help alleviate mild TMD symptoms.
  • Medications: Over-the-counter medications like Advil or Tylenol can help reduce inflammation and discomfort. If your doctor deems it necessary, they may prescribe you muscle relaxants or antidepressants also.
  • Physical therapy: Exercises that strengthen and gently stretch your jaw and neck muscles can help reduce pain and greatly improve the function of the joints.
  • Splints/mouthguards: For those dealing with TMD due to bruxism, wearing a splint or mouthguard while sleeping stops your teeth from rubbing against each other, which can lead to pain, fragmented teeth, and sensitivity.
  • Botox injections: Botox can be used for medical purposes, not just cosmetic. The serum helps your facial muscles relax.
  • Surgery: Serious cases of TMD may require surgery to remedy structural problems with the jaw joint itself.

Before committing to any TMJ treatment near you, it’s very important that you do your research and spend time talking to your doctor or dentist, the latter of which may refer you to an oral surgeon. They will let you know if you’re an ideal candidate for a certain solution.

Visit Us

At our local dental office, our dentist in West Kelowna anticipates your visit and looks forward to collaborating with you to get your smile, oral health, and overall well-being back to where it should be. To get started, give us a call, or send us an email today!